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Essential™ Feng Shui Practitioner Reinvention Life Coach©
Infinite Possibilities™ Trainer

The Fundamentals of Feng Shui© Class
Energy is constantly moving around us, and I want to show you how exciting and powerful this practice can be. Feng Shui has many layers and the fundamentals are the perfect place to start.
I will show you how to harness this energy to create profound changes!

Learn the difference between the two schools of Feng Shui and how there practiced. Dispell myths and remove the concept of good and bad. There is nothing "bad" in Feng Shui. When understood, your home becomes your refuge and the place you dream about what's possible for you and your family. Creating a trendy home does not leave much room for self-expression. We need to feel our homes, not just admire them.
I will go over the tools and how to use them. Show you how to apply the Bagua map to your home's floor plan. Now you'll know where energies of Prosperity, Career, Love, etc. are living in your home. Every area counts, even garages and basements. When these areas are neglected or full of clutter, it will impact your prosperity, career, love, etc.
You'll learn to design and decorate with the intention of supporting these areas.

Better understand the importance of surrounding yourself with things that uplift you. If they're not inspiring you, they are lowering the vibration of the home. Understanding the importance of only living with what you love will help you release what is no longer serving you to make room for what you truly want.
By the end of this class, you will be excited to put all you've learned into practice. This excitement alone will send a positive vibration through the home.
You'll receive handouts and a copy of the Bagua map. There will be time for a Q&A. You'll also receive a Five Element Assessment form to determine what element your personality is, what it means and how to work with it. Finally, a thank-you gift of Feng Shui enhancements used to lift and support the flow of chi energy.

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