Essential™ Feng Shui Practitioner Reinvention Life Coach©
Infinite Possibilities™ Trainer

Reinvention Coaching
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
~Abraham Lincoln
When was the Last Time you Checked in with Yourself and Took an Inventory of Your Life?
* Are you happy with where you are in life?
* Are you doing what you love? (this includes staying home with children)
* Happy with your relationships?
Or Are You on Autopilot?
Maybe one or all of these areas are not what you imagined.
It happens, and life gets away from us. We live what we should do based on what others expect. For some, there is comradery in the misery. This is just what being an adult is all about, right?
I don't believe this to be true.
There are so many amazing stories of people who broke out of the life they fell into, knowing they didn't have to accept anything as it was, and reinvented themselves.
Would you like to predict the future?
Your present-moment choices are the crystal ball that predicts your future.
It's that simple, and you're in complete control.
Nothing is happening to you. You were an active participant in creating the life you're currently living. You also have the power of choice and can decide to change the things that no longer serve you.
You can rip the bandaid or take baby steps. Go at a pace that feels right, but keep moving forward.
Limiting beliefs need to be addressed whenever there is a discrepancy between what you say you want and what you experience.
The only thing keeping your limiting beliefs alive is that you believe them.
I speak from experience. I did not willingly accept responsibility for how my life was playing out. I had to be dragged, kicking and screaming. My life changed dramatically once I saw clearly what I needed to change.
So what if you:
* Didn't need anyone to change who they were to be happy?
* Didn't have to accept anything as it is to be satisfied?
* Made choices based on what you wanted?

Most of us Are "Other" Focused
How will you ever get to the heart of who you are and what you want when you're giving all your attention to everything and everyone else?
Reinvention Coaching puts all the attention on you. Does this make you uncomfortable or feel selfish? What if everyone in your life benefited as a result? Look at it this way: no one gets the best of you when you're distracted and just going through the motions.
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?'
~ Mary Oliver
Reinvention Coaching is a return to the essence of who you ARE instead of endless versions of who you think you need to be.
How does it work?
We will meet over Zoom, each call lasting 1 hour for 9 weeks. The sessions are designed to build on one another.
Each week, we will journey through the eight dimensions of reinvention:
Vision: Your vision is the touchstone that determines the choices you make and the actions you take.
Calibration: Having a powerful vision for change requires the ability to assess your journey and course-correct it when needed.
Beliefs: What ultimately holds you back is what you believe about yourself, so it's a good idea to dig deep and uncover any hidden beliefs.
Self-Worth: If you believe you're not enough, you'll never have enough. We are all worthy of everything we want for ourselves.
Boundaries: By firmly setting and holding your boundaries, you'll move out of blame and victimhood and into responsibility and empowerment as you build a stronger relationship with yourself.
Choice: Every choice you make either serves or sabotages you. If you don't make conscious choices to support your vision, your future will look like your past or present.
Self-Confidence: When you shift from needing external validation and approval, you discover a limitless source of self-confidence.
Visibility: Visibility is about allowing yourself to be seen for the truth of who you are.
By the end of our sessions, you will have clarity about what is needed to move toward your desired future.

"If you don't have a plan for yourself, you'll become a part of someone else's." ~ American Proverb
Reverse engineer your life. It's meant to be experienced, not tolerated. What would you not want to be left unsaid, undone, or unlived?